
Coaching & Consulting for Aspiring Authors

Get Your First Book Deal

Become a Published Author

Strategize, plan, and write an incredible book. Get guided through the publishing process. Create a compelling concept, write a killer proposal, and secure a top book deal. Plus, receive a marketing plan to become a bestselling author.

For Creators

Whether you have a YouTube channel, newsletter, Instagram, or TikTok, boost your credibility and authority. Reach a mainstream audience and become a bestselling author and expert. Create a book that impacts, gets rave reviews, and makes you proud.

For Entrepreneurs and Experts

Write a page-turner and share your expertise with the world. Gain credibility and impact as a bestselling author. Learn to secure a book deal and attract agents and publishers. Get your book into bookstores worldwide.

How It Works

I help entrepreneurs, online creators and experts navigate the publishing world, secure their first book deal, and become bestselling published authors (even if they don’t have a large following!)

I’ve done it myself, starting with no platform and no knowledge of publishing. Despite that, I secured multiple offers from top publishers, wrote the bestselling and award-winning book ‘The Unfair Advantage,’ garnered thousands of 5-star reviews, had it translated into multiple languages, and spoke at top companies like Google, EY, and WeWork.

Have you ever wanted to be an author with your book available in bookstores around the world? Do you want to inspire readers and become established as a thought leader with a lasting legacy?

Work with me to:

1. Nail EXACTLY what your book topic (and title) should be
2. Write a killer book proposal (including a powerful bestseller marketing plan)
3. Introduce you to literary agents to get you signed and represented

The outcome?

✅ Big publishers making you offers (and paying you before you’ve even written the book)
✅ Write an amazing book that receives thousands of 5-star reviews, critical acclaim, and awards
✅ Become a bestselling author and instant thought leader in your field, with invitations to do keynote speeches, higher prices, and increased business

We wouldn't be a good fit if:

❌ You're writing a fiction book (a novel). The process is different.
❌ You don't want to invest significant time into your book. Even if you want it ghost-written, you'll have to be interviewed in-depth for hours to have it ghostwritten. A significant investment of time is required to actually end up with a book that is good and reflects well on you.
❌ The quality of your book doesn't matter to you. Sometimes people want a book just to say that they're authors and to use it purely as a fancy business card. They don't care about the contents. Working with me would be unsuitable.
❌ You have a tight budget. This consulting package is not 'cheap'. It's a significant investment, with amazing ROI.

The Program

– The consulting package lasts 8-12 weeks, with private one-to-one sessions with me personally every week.
– By the end of the package, you will be publisher-ready and I will introduce you to a top literary agent who will likely sign you and aim to get you the best publisher deal possible.
– In terms of time commitment, you will need at least 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time to do the work per week.
– Two packages to choose from:
a) The 'Done-with-you' consulting package where I consult and coach you while you do the writing yourself.
b) The 'Done-for-you' package where the writing is done for you, but you're still heavily involved through interview and development sessions with me.

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Case Studies

Creator Case study

Ali Abdaal

When I first met Ali Abdaal in March 2020, he was a successful YouTuber but uncertain about how to navigate the publishing world. We spent weeks refining and nailing his book concept on productivity. I guided him through the intricacies of the publishing industry—securing a literary agent, crafting a compelling book proposal, including marketing strategy and negotiating contracts. Ali landed a deal with Penguin Random House UK and MacMillan US. His book, "Feel Good Productivity," quickly became a New York Times Bestseller, got thousands of positive reviews and significantly boosted his credibility and personal brand. This opened new avenues for speaking engagements, consulting opportunities, and solidified his status as a thought leader rather than 'just a YouTuber'.

expert Case study

Garrett Gee

An OG cybersecurity expert who, like me for The Unfair Advantage, had no online following. Working closely with me from start to finish, we developed his book concept and crafted a compelling book proposal for "The Hacker Mindset." Despite having no platform, Garrett secured a highly coveted traditional publishing deal thanks to the concept development and strategy. I supported Garrett extensively on the writing side. "The Hacker Mindset" empowers individuals to break free from ordinary employment and achieve financial freedom, showcasing Garrett’s journey from a salaried employee to a successful entrepreneur. It become USA Today Bestseller!

Creator Case study

Mark Tilbury

A big TikTok creator with over 7 million followers in the personal finance space. Working closely with Mark and his son Curtis, together we developed a compelling book concept and an irresistible book proposal. Mark’s upcoming book, which aims to transform how people manage their finances, will be published by Hachette. This book will help him break into the mainstream, becoming more of a household name and solidifying his authority in personal finance.

Expert Case study

Sairam Sundaresan

A Machine Learning Scientist at Intel Labs, Sairam wanted to share his expertise through a mainstream book. With only a small newsletter following, he worked with me to craft a compelling book concept and irresistible book proposal. This led to him being signed by a top literary agent and is in talks right now with a traditional publisher. Sairam's upcoming book will demystify machine learning, making them accessible to a broader audience and establishing him as a thought leader in the AI industry.

Entrepreneur Case study

Murshid M. Ali

I recently started working with Murshid, an award-winning tech entrepreneur and investor, known for founding and scaling companies like Huddlestock, Norsk Solar, and Skyfri Group. With two IPOs under his belt, he brings a wealth of experience. Within just two sessions, we made huge headway in developing a compelling book concept. His in-development book aims to share his extensive experience in building impactful, venture-backed companies and navigating the complexities of international business, establishing his personal brand and thought leadership as a seasoned founder and investor.

expert & CEO Case study

Razia Hamidi

I recently started working with Razia Hamidi, a Muslim life coach and counselor with dual degrees in family psychology and education. Known for her holistic, Islamic approach to premarital and marriage coaching, Razia sought clarity on the publishing process and confidence to embark on her author journey. Within just a few sessions, I provided her with the necessary insights and support. We are currently working on her book proposal, aiming to share her unique blend of Islamic spirituality and counseling techniques, further establishing her authority and expanding her influence. She already has strong interest from agents and publishers.

Creator Case study

Mo Taher

Mohammad Taher is an online creator, motivational speaker, and qualified aerospace engineer with over 300k followers on TikTok. Known for leading continuous improvement and cultural change within complex operational environments like Heathrow Airport, Mo sought guidance on navigating the publishing world. Through coaching, mentorship, and introducing him to a literary agent, I helped Mo secure not just one but two book deals. These upcoming books will leverage his expertise and motivational insights, broadening his influence and establishing him as a thought leader in both aerospace and personal development with gen-z.


What is Hasan Kubba’s Author Consulting?
Helping aspiring authors get published and write bestselling books that build their brand, drive business and have impact.

How does the program work?
I guide you through:
– Securing your first book deal
– Crafting a killer book proposal
– Writing a bestselling book

What does the work include?
– Book Concept Development: Refining your idea and unique angle
– Market Analysis: Positioning your book strategically
– Chapter Outlines: Creating engaging narrative progressions
– Marketing Strategy: Crafting a comprehensive marketing plan
– Author Positioning: Developing a compelling author bio
– For the 'Done-for-you' package: The proposal written for you, including sample chapters

How do you help with networking?
– Agent Introduction: Introducing you to literary agents
– Influencer Engagement: Leveraging my network of creators to possibly support on your book launch

What are the program objectives?
– Big publishers making offers
– Planning a highly acclaimed book with full clarity on target readers, concept, etc.
– Becoming a bestselling published author and thought leader

Who is the program not for?
Fiction writers
– Those unwilling to invest significant time
– Individuals not focused on book quality
– Those with a tight budget

What additional support do you offer?
– Ghostwriting: Assistance in writing the proposal, and even the whole book
– Market Research: Identifying target audience and market trends
– Platform Building: Strategic advice on branding and online presence
– Submission Support: Identifying agents, preparing submissions, and negotiating contracts

What is the program duration and time commitment?
– 8-12 weeks with weekly private sessions
– At least 2 hours of focused work per week

Can you guarantee I get a traditional book deal?
No. While I have a 100% track record so far, there are no guarantees that will continue. But you will dramatically and immeasurably increase your chances of success by working with me as I have systematized the process and have always succeeded in the past.

Can you guarantee I become a New York Times Bestseller?
No. Through my consulting, you will maximise your chances of getting it by setting up the correct foundations, especially having a traditionally published book. I will include a bestseller marketing and book launch strategy to maximise your chances of getting it, but due to how the bestseller list works, there can be no guarantees.

How can I learn more?
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